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About Me

Imagine the perfect employee. Have an image and perception in your head? Great. Now forget that notion because that's not me. Perfection, in essence, is a good idea but not totally achievable. Perfection is boring and if we were all perfect, well, I'm sure you get where I'm going with this. I, on the other hand, am flawed.


Through time and experience, these flaws have shaped me into a great individual. They say "great things take time" well, time, has definitely done a number on me. My experiences have sparked a fervent interest to pursue all things creative and writing tops the list. This passion has developed into a raw talent with world-changing capabilities. Reading and hearing words whether it be in the form of a poem, song, book, or an article has the power to inspire and transform lives. My words can do this. 


Valquana Jones writes thrillers and literary fiction. She includes elements of irony in her work that allow an inclusive experience for the reader. While reading her work the reader will often feel he or she has discovered a secret no one knows, only to be reeled in deeper for an intriguing secret. Valquana's goal is for readers to feel as if they are a part of the story. 


Valquana has also written several screenplays with hopes of advancing to the big screen. She also writes poetry and short stories. She also has plans to venture out and write her first novel.


Valquana has a couple of samples that ar open to public reading. A Connecticut native, Valquana enjoys going for walks during the fall and viewing the foliage, it is such an inspiration to her.




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